Saturday 30 August 2014

Data Mining for Social Network Data: 12 (Annals of Information Systems) [Kindle Edition]

Driven by counter-terrorism efforts, marketing analysis and an explosion in online social networking in recent years, data mining has moved to the forefront of information science. This proposed Special Issue on Data Mining for Social Network Data will present a broad range of recent studies in social networking analysis. It will focus on emerging trends and needs in discovery and analysis of communities, solitary and social activities, activities in open for a and commercial sites as well. It will also look at network modeling, infrastructure construction, dynamic growth and evolution pattern discovery using machine learning approaches and multi-agent based simulations. Editors are three rising stars in world of data mining, knowledge discovery, social network analysis, and information infrastructures, and are anchored by Springer author/editor Hsinchun Chen (Terrorism Informatics; Medical Informatics; Digital Government), who is one of the most prominent intelligence analysis and data mining experts in the world.

Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals [Kindle Edition]

Get a head start evaluating Windows 8.1 - with early technical insights from award-winning journalist and Windows expert Ed Bott. Based on the Windows 8.1 Preview release, this guide introduces new features and capabilities, with scenario-based advice on how Windows 8.1 can meet the needs of your business. Get the high-level overview you need to begin preparing your deployment now. Preview new features and enhancements, including: How features compare to Windows 7 and Windows XP The Windows 8.1 user experience Deployment Security features Internet Explorer 11 Delivering Windows apps Recovery options Networking and remote access Managing mobile devices Virtualization Windows RT 8.1

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Getting Started Guide [Kindle Edition]

This is official Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Amazon Virtual Private Cloud enables you to create a virtual network topology—including subnets and routing—for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) resources. This guide gives you a hands-on introduction to using Amazon VPC through the AWS Management Console. The guide walks you through a simple scenario in which you set up a VPC with a single public subnet containing a running instance with an Elastic IP address. Product details Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 335 KB Print Length: 21 pages

HTML5 for Publishers [Kindle Edition]

Product Description HTML5 is revolutionizing the Web, and now it's coming to your ebook reader! With the release of the EPUB 3 specification, HTML5 support is officially a part of the EPUB standard, and publishers are able to take full advantage of HTML5's rich feature set to add rich media and interactivity to their ebook content. HTML5 for Publishers gives an overview of some of the most exciting features HTML5 provides to ebook content creators--audio/video, geolocation, and the Canvas--and shows how to put them in action. Learn how to: Intersperse audio/video with textual content Create a graphing calculator to display algebraic equations on the Canvas Use geolocation to customize a work of fiction with details from the reader's locale Employ MathML to create an interactive equation solver Make a coloring book using SVG and JavaScript

What Is HTML5? [Kindle Edition]

HTML5: Everyone’s using it, nobody knows what it is. I realize that sounds more like a line out of an existential movie — maybe Waiting for Godot or a screenplay by Sartre — than a statement about HTML5. But it’s really the truth: most of the people using HTML5 are treating it as HTML4+, or even worse, HTML4 (and some stuff they don’t use). The result? A real delay in the paradigm shift that HTML5 is almost certain to bring. It’s certainly not time to look away, because by the time you look back, you may have missed something really important: a subtle but important transition centred around HTML5.

JavaScript and HTML5 Now [Kindle Edition]

A decade ago, Ajax took the Web out of childhood, and now HTML5 and JavaScript are moving the Web into full adulthood. This insightful overview provides striking examples of how these technologies have teamed up to give the Web a truly open platform. Author Kyle Simpson (HTML5 Cookbook) shows you how JavaScript unlocks the power of all of the new functionality in HTML5, giving web applications the capabilities developers have wanted for years. These technologies now provide the raw tools you need in the presentation layer to replace everything you used to do with Flash. You’ll discover how: HTML5 builds natively into the web platform things we find most commonly useful, such as audio, video, and drawing The Canvas element is changing graphic animations, games, audio visualization, charting, and video effects Geolocation has spawned “geofencing” and augmented reality Web Workers allows calculations to be performed in the background, rather than compete with the UI Web Sockets is enabling realtime communication for chat, live tech support, multi-user collaboration, and gaming Mobile device APIs will give web apps direct access the phone’s camera, vibration, and other capabilities

Friday 29 August 2014

The Twitter search operators that you dont know about

If are you aren't aware, twitter allows advanced search operators help provide highly customized search results. A full list can be found here This is particularly useful for marketing, SEO etc an example of an advanced search can be really basic like;

from:twitter - displays tweets from @twitter

to:twitter - displays tweets sent to @twitter

There are more advanced searches you can perform too

near:MANCHESTER within:10mi - displays all tweets within 10mi of Manchester

I guess users' must have location services enabled for this to work

Now for an undocumented search operator not listed on

That operator is min_retweets:(number) where (number) is the MINIMUM number of retweets. An example would be

@twitter min_retweets:250 - this will display all tweets mentioning @twitter that have retweeted a minimum of 250 times

As you can see only tweets that have mentioned @twitter AND have been retweeted over 250 times are displayed. This can be really really useful

By now hope fully you've guessed what the next operator is? No? Well here it yes

min_faves:(number) where number is the a number that you specify eg

@twitter min_faves:150 - this will display all tweets mentioning @twitter that have been faves at least 150 times

DQ Breach? HQ Says No, But Would it Know?

Hey check this out:

Internet Security Fundamentals: Practical Steps To Increase Your Online Security [Kindle Edition]

ISF is a well written and terse guide to the most commonly faced security threats any computer user is likely to come across. If you follow the advice given I think it's likely you'll keep clear of 99% of the security issues that we all face in the current age of phishing and Nigerian will claimants. The best thing about this book is that it's very short and direct, understandable by most users who would use email, amazon and social networking sites.

CSS for Beginners: Learn to Tweak Your Website Design (Webmaster Series Book 6) [Kindle Edition]

I am not a beginner to CSS. I have been struggling my way through for quite a while. But my knowledge lacked structure and cohesion. This book has changed all that. Dr Andy is always a joy to read, well written and well thought out.