Friday 29 August 2014

The Twitter search operators that you dont know about

If are you aren't aware, twitter allows advanced search operators help provide highly customized search results. A full list can be found here This is particularly useful for marketing, SEO etc an example of an advanced search can be really basic like;

from:twitter - displays tweets from @twitter

to:twitter - displays tweets sent to @twitter

There are more advanced searches you can perform too

near:MANCHESTER within:10mi - displays all tweets within 10mi of Manchester

I guess users' must have location services enabled for this to work

Now for an undocumented search operator not listed on

That operator is min_retweets:(number) where (number) is the MINIMUM number of retweets. An example would be

@twitter min_retweets:250 - this will display all tweets mentioning @twitter that have retweeted a minimum of 250 times

As you can see only tweets that have mentioned @twitter AND have been retweeted over 250 times are displayed. This can be really really useful

By now hope fully you've guessed what the next operator is? No? Well here it yes

min_faves:(number) where number is the a number that you specify eg

@twitter min_faves:150 - this will display all tweets mentioning @twitter that have been faves at least 150 times